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Stationary Oxygen Concentrators

stratus 5

The Platinum 10L High Flow Concentrator is back!

Experience the epitome of respiratory care with the React Health Platinum 10 Concentrator.Boasting highly reliable 10-liter flow, seamless HomeFill compatibility, and a sleek one piece cabinet for effortless cleaning and maintenance.

Platinum 10L Product Brochure 

Platinum 10L User Manual 

 Provider BenefitsPatient BenefitsPart Numbers
Features of
Platinum 10L Stationary Oxygen Concentrator

Provides continuous flow up to 10LPM.

HomeFill compatible for inventory flexibility.

Patient accessible reset button helps minimize
emergency service calls.

May be eligible for QG billing modifier.1

1- Providers are responsible for determining the appropriate billing codes when submitting claims to the Medicare program.

User friendly design with easy to see control panel,
humidifier bottle and filter access.

HomeFill compatability allows patients with higher flow prescriptions to access small, lightweight portable

Lower heat generation and power consumption than other high flow concentrators.

Platinum 10 Oxygen Concentrator- IRC10LXO2

Gross Particle Cabinet Filter-1107412

Inlet Filter-1131249

Brass Barbed Connector-1180107

stratus 5

Stratus 5L Stationary Oxygen Concentrator

The Stratus is React Health’s 5L Stationary Oxygen Concentrator.  The Stratus offers a slimline design, 360 degree swivel wheels, easy to access and service compressor and a 3 year standard warranty.

Stratus 5L Product Brochure Stratus 5L Competitive Comparison Chart

 Easy to Move Quiet OperationEasy to Service
Features of
Stratus 5L Stationary Oxygen Concentrator

Stratus 5L has a slimline design with 360-degree swivel wheels for easy movement throughout the home even over the carpet!

Stratus 5L is specially designed with a padded compressor to minimize the noise in the home providing a better patient experience.

The Stratus 5L Components are easy to access making routine service of the Stratus 5L a breeze in about 20 minutes

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